Posts tagged ‘lifestyle’

Stop Throwing Away Your Money on Probiotics!


Take your probiotics, just make sure they’re the right ones!

What are Probiotics? They are the ‘friendly’ gut flora that naturally occur in the body. You can benefit from supplementing with these ‘good guys’ when the ‘bad’ bacteria have taken over this ‘good’ supply. This usually happens when ingesting too much sugar, or using antibiotics for example.

They aren’t cheap and there are so many different brands on the market, how do you know which one to buy?

There are a few factors to consider before buying…

  • Does the company improperly freeze dry? If they do, it can kill up to 90% of the viable organisms. Which means there is not a point in taking probiotics if the ‘good’ guys are dead.
  • Are they able to survive sealed in the bottle? If they weren’t improperly freeze dried and they are alive – are they sealed in with nutrients that can feed them until you ingest them? If not, how many are still alive by that time?
  • Do the ‘good’ guys have an escort through the acid bath of the stomach and small intestine so they can attach to the gut wall? Most don’t survive the acid bath trip so if they survived freezing, and their stay in the bottle, they probably won’t make it through the acid without help.
  • Are the strands of ‘good’ guys the ones that have the highest success rate of gut wall attachment? If not, then surviving freeze drying, bottle life, and the acid bath, will they be able to attach and multiply so they can work for you?

Probiotics from Frequency Foods address all of these issues, so you know that you are getting what you pay for!

Click Here to learn more about the superior benefits of Frequency Foods Probiotics!

To Your Health!

February 4, 2008 at 4:24 pm Leave a comment



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