Posts filed under ‘More About’

NO MORE Medicine for Allergies, Depression, and More!

Before I heard about Supplements, organic food, and alternative therapies, I took many different medications. Some were prescription and some over the counter.

Here are just the ones i recall off of the top of my head:

*numerous allergy medications

*migraine medicine

*IBS medicine

*numerous antacids and GERD Medicine

*numerous different anti-depressants

*anti-anxiety medicine

*pain medication

Here are the prescription or over the counter medicines I take now:




I like my NOW list much better!

No, it wasn’t fast – like when taking a pill. No, it wasn’t easy – like popping a pill. No, it wasn’t as cheap as a prescription covered by your insurance.

But – I didn’t want to treat the symptoms – and continue to hurt myself with poor nutrition, no exercise, and potentially harmful medications to cover up the problems I was having.

My body wasn’t ‘acting out’ giving me these symptoms just so i would take a pill and treat the symptoms. It was telling me – things are not right. “You are not feeding and supplementing properly. You are lacking nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and digestive enzymes. You are not exercising me and making me strong. You are not letting go of the past and living in the now – this negativity is hurting you.”

So over the last 4-5 years, it has been a process. Gradually changing my ways. Am I perfect now? No – no one is.

But the proof is in my list. My body is getting healthier.

If you want it bad enough – you can make it happen. My best in your journey.

Want to read more about the supplements I take and why? Check out

If you want to read more about the spiritual work I’ve been doing check out my other blog Why? under ‘A New Earth’ category or better yet check out Eckhart Tolle’s site.

To Your Health!


May 21, 2008 at 8:27 pm 2 comments

Why Did We Choose “Frequency Foods” Nutritional Supplements?

For a few reasons.

First because Frequency Foods know that when a fruit or vegetable is growing, it is filled with a ‘life force’ that contains the perfect ratio of vitamins, minerals, and digestive enzymes for your body, and they are careful to maintain this natural balance and purity throughout the manufacturing process.

Secondly, when you take a product from Frequency Foods, you receive products that contain only the highest-quality raw materials, free from all preservatives, fillers, and flowing agents and are completely bio-available (so your body can actually absorb and utilize them!)

Last but not least, because they work! They have freed us from allergy medications, acid blockers, antibiotics, and so on (look for more details in a future blog)

Here is a message from the President of Frequency Foods himself-

The Frequency Foods Concept
by Chris Clausing – President, Frequency Foods, LLC

Do you remember a time when you felt at your absolute peak?

That time when your body literally tingled with energy… When your muscles and joints were limber, pain-free and strong… When you felt invincible, young and vibrant…

What if you could capture time, put it into a bottle and experience it for the rest of your life?

Would you be interested?

Of course you would, who wouldn’t?

Thanks to Frequency Foods, thousands of people now live a better life with regained health and vitality.

Once you’ve experienced Frequency Foods, what will your testimonial be?

Enhanced Energy
Fewer Annoying Symptoms
A Stronger Immune System
Overall Improved Well Being
Looking & Feeling Younger

Frequency Foods can make it ALL possible!

We are committed to providing you and your family the highest quality, most effective health and nutrition products on the market today.

We guarantee that all Frequency Foods products adhere to a strict and demanding set of production guidelines:

  • Use of only the highest grade raw materials available.
  • Enforcement of strict quality control at every step in the process to ensure maximum purity.
  • Maintain the original vitality of every single ingredient from harvest to finished product.
  • NEVER use fillers, flowing agents, synthetic additives or preservatives.

By following these guidelines without exception, Frequency Foods assures you a superior product and opens the door to your regained health and energy.

Are you ready to get started and experience a whole-body transformation unlike any other?

To learn more about the different products and their benefits check out:!

To Your Health!

January 16, 2008 at 5:24 pm 1 comment

The Creation of


Since I spend at least a third (if not more) of my life reading, thinking, and talking about health, it makes sense that I do it here. My other half will be grateful for the reprieve! I do get a lot of questions about supplements, nutrition, etc. Not just because I run an on-line supplement store ( but because I have become somewhat of a natural health junkie! Could be worse, at least I think, however, my 11 year old might disagree especially when I’m handing her a glass of juiced celery, spinach, and kale.

Where did all this come from? Simply, LOVE. My love for my daughter, Cassandra, turned me into a health nut. At 7 years old, she fell off her scooter and after being cleared of any broken bones was still limping 2 weeks later. Numerous months and blood tests later, she was diagnosed with Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis. This was the beginning of the end of my old take on health, doctors, nutrition, etc.

Fast forward to nine years old, Cassandra was arthritis free! Not because of ‘conventional’ medical treatments (they did almost nothing to help her) but incorporating a whole new way of life – organic diet, whole-food supplements, homeopathy, chiropractic, reiki etc. Just six months after all of these were implemented she went from a severe case of arthritis to testing negative! Yeah, Wow! I was shocked too, still am, although it makes so much sense now that I’m aware of what truly being healthy is.

Well, that was the beginning – learned so much along the way – still am. I’ll be sharing many ‘learning’ experiences as well as specifics on supplements etc. Cassandra is now 11 years old, 5’2 (tall for 6th grade!) and healthy. (Beside the first signs of the puberty princess attitude to come)

If you are interested in reading the story about Cassandra’s healing you can do so in my chapter, “Seven Ways I Fought My Daughter’s Arthritis and Won!” and 100 other wonderfully enlightening chapters from a plethora of health care experts in the book “101 Great Ways To Improve Your Health,” available at


January 9, 2008 at 2:43 pm Leave a comment



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